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Why build on Ternoa

Ternoa is accessible, fast, scalable, and doesn't require learning a new programming language. Thanks to our JavaScript SDK, anyone with some knowledge of JS can quickly get started.

And even those without coding knowledge can try Ternoa using the pallets created and PolkadotJS.

Further benefits of building on ternoa include:

  • very low transaction fees
  • alphanet with all the newest features for testing purposes
  • high transaction speed with up to 40,000 transactions per second
  • interoperability with the Polkadot ecosystem by using Substrate
  • ease of access thanks to the Javascript SDK
  • future-proof as dApps and NFTs are upgradeable and can be adapted
  • sustainability both in regards to the environment and the overall longevity of metadata

With Ternoa, you can natively embed NFT functionalities on-chain without congesting it or worrying about the metadata storage location. All your NFTs will be interoperable with other Substrate chains, opening up potential collaborations with other players in the Polkadot ecosystem.

You can read more about the different NFT types and their features in the section on NFT primitives.

What can you build on Ternoa?

With Ternoa, you can build anything and create your first web3 project without developing single, smart contracts. Our pallets facilitate the creation and managing of digital assets and marketplaces in an accessible manner.

A few building blocks include:

  • Creation, receipt, and transfer of tokens. Ternoa supports the creation of native coins on top of its blockchain, including offering a solution for games (G Tokens) to facilitate a smooth user experience
  • Minting an NFT as a stand-alone or part of a collection
  • Creating a collection
  • Creating an entire marketplace with just a few lines of codes
  • Selling and buying NFTs
  • Creating Soulbound Tokens
  • Creating and bidding on auctions
  • Lending and borrowing NFTs (with extended capabilities)
  • Creating Secret NFT (private content visible only to the owner)
  • Creating and sending Capsules (NFT to transmit data)

Using these, you could, for example, build:

Private file-sharing service: using secret NFTs in the backend allows users to upload and share files privately with one another with the assurance that the only one able to view the files inside is the recipient.

Reputation management systems: could be created using soulbound NFTs and a setup where users receive tokens representing their credentials and achievements. A reputation management system could facilitate the creation, verification, and distribution of SBTs.

Social recovery dApp: everyone dreads losing their seedphrase. Ternoa Capsules could play a part in building a social recovery dApp that enables users to split their seedphrase, encrypt and share it with trusted friends and family members.

Games: where in-game Avatars are owned by players as NFTs on the Ternoa blockchain. In-game currencies such as g-tokens ensure that players don't have to stop their gameplay throughout to approve transactions leading to a smooth gaming experience.